In the congested roads of Srinagar City, several vehicles could be witnessed illegally parked on the roadsides, causing a huge inconvenience to the commuters as less space is being provided to them to pass through the roads. It has been witnessed that the people usually visiting the markets are parking their vehicles illegally on the roadsides, but in absence of the proper check on them, the commuters are being pushed to the wall. A few months back, the concerned authorities decided to launch a massive drive against the illegal car parking, but nothing is being done in this regard, thus adding to the miseries of the commuters. Over a dozen vehicles were seized and fined on the first day of the drive near SMHS hospital here, but since then the drive with such intensity has not been launched anywhere, thereby the illegal car parking continues to haunt the commuters as a frequent traffic mess has been leading to the sufferings of people. There is a dire need of coming up with a massive drive in this regard so that the people involved in illegal car parking are dealt with strictly. In the congested roads of Srinagar interiors, the concerned department must deploy its men so that the illegal car parking is put to an immediate end and those violating the norms are fined and face the appropriate action. The illegal car parking is hampering the public movement frequently in the interiors of Srinagar and thus puts the responsibility on the shoulders of the concerned authorities to act tough against the violators. Besides, the people must cooperate with the administration in ensuring the hassle free vehicular movement, which is imperative to put an end to the illegal car parking on the roadsides and also for the hassle free movement of traffic.
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