After several decades, the enthusiasm and fervor of voting has returned to Kashmir’s Srinagar Parliamentary Constituency where people came out in large numbers and set a new record. Since the elections held in 1989, Srinagar Lok Sabha constituency has witnessed second highest voter turnout while the highest has been recorded in 1996. Earlier, the majority of the areas used to boycott elections, but this time, the situation has changed on the ground as the people turned up at the polling booths, where the large queues were seen throughout the day. At the end of the day, over 36 per cent voting was recorded in Srinagar Parliamentary Constituency. The fervor and enthusiasm among the voters was never witnessed before. The voters were happy and jubilant to cast their ballots. Besides, the first-time voters were seen as the majority at many places, who made up their mind that the right to franchise should not go to waste at any cost. The people might have voted for different reasons and causes like employment, development, education or other things, but the fact is the people have understood that exercising franchise is the only way out to end their miseries by electing their favourite candidate, who they believe will assist them and work for their welfare. The era of boycott calls has gone and the people are showing their respect and enthusiasm by participating in the democratic exercise, which is the only way to get their issues resolved and ensure that all their worries and sufferings will go forever.
Poll campaigning turning interesting
The election campaigning is turning interesting with each passing day in Jammu and Kashmir, especially after the jailed incumbent parliamentarian,...