Jammu and Kashmir has long held a special place in the heart of cinema. This connection, woven with stories of romance, adventure and drama, has created an enduring bond that continues to captivate filmmakers and audiences alike. From the snow-capped peaks of Gulmarg to the serene waters of Dal Lake, J&K’s natural beauty has served as an idyllic backdrop for countless films. During the golden age of Indian cinema, directors like Raj Kapoor and Yash Chopra immortalized the region’s splendor on screen, drawing audiences into a world where love stories blossomed amidst the mountains and valleys. Classics such as “Kashmir Ki Kali,” “Jab Jab Phool Khile,” and “Silsila” not only showcased the stunning scenery but also embedded J&K in the collective imagination of cinephiles. Besides, J&K’s rich cultural heritage has been a wellspring of inspiration for filmmakers. The region’s unique traditions, music, and folklore offer a treasure trove of stories waiting to be told. In recent years, efforts to revive and strengthen the bond between J&K and cinema have gained momentum. The government has introduced incentives and policies to attract filmmakers back to the region, recognizing the potential of cinema as a powerful tool for tourism and cultural diplomacy. Besides, strengthening the connection between J&K and cinema is also going to provide a platform to the young talent here as has been seen in the recent movies shot here including Laila Majnu and others. There is no dearth of talent in Jammu and Kashmir and thus the recent steps like unveiling the new film policy and other steps would certainly help them to showcase their talent and achieve their goal of entering into the Bollywood.
Poll campaigning turning interesting
The election campaigning is turning interesting with each passing day in Jammu and Kashmir, especially after the jailed incumbent parliamentarian,...